This is my work: pure silence.
These are my tears: simple and cold…
I am man of code and screen…
The android of all broken hearts.
A testimonial of tenderness in midst of chaos…
A man that cannot help but feel…
So, again, after so long, I retry…
Here comes one more attempt...
A desperate cry…
Never enough words, nor thoughts…
Just a buzzing silence…
This is my heart… this is my solitude:
… The absence of you…
A hole in my soul: sleeplessness.
So again, I find myself before this blinking cursor,
Again I am poet of fantasies…
A prisoner of semantics, of insufficient vocabulary…
I am a man, desperately searching for your scent,
In the darkness of my bed.
Just a broken half, a broken half…
And so I fight, and so I awake, everyday, and lie…
And, in your draft, I have become beautiful dreams of white snow.
True love, selfless and silent…
A memory of a kiss on your bare shoulder while you pretended to sleep…
…Locked in my arms…
Now I hunt down the dawn of my never ending night…
Now I search relentlessly for your love.
Now I know the wonder I once had...