When time came, I understood: solitude, in essence, is a moment, singular, although continuous, in which one embraces all he is.
A place where I can find myself, where nothing matters, nothing at all… It’s a moment of pure love, and pure hate… It’s the limit between fulfillment and utter despair… the best part of it all is that which, like a blanket, covers you, protects you, holds you, right before you fall asleep.
So, now, after shading my ego, after loosing all my pride, I find my self in peace with all the pain that runs in my veins: never before I understood that inheritance cannot possibly have an upside, other then the purpose of awakening the giant inside all of us.
Still, the path to follow continuos to be unseen… It’s just too far, and too bright… It blinds me.
I don’t think it possible to see the light at the end of the tunnel… In the midst of darkness, light obfuscates the sight.
Yet, it surely is inevitable to reach it… a tunnel has but two paths, and that from which I started collapsed under my father’s 38.
Photo by Francy
Yes, "it surely is inevitable to reach it!!!"
ResponderExcluirgostei muito dessa... aposto que traduzida para o português também seria muito boa...