So here it is, the full spectrum of my colors.
Here I tell you I love you more than anything.
Here I tell you about my unique ability..
My Ability to not care about time, about the past.
Here is my space, empty...
... Of fear, of doubt, of regrets..
I know we are history, and I know we are chemistry..
I know we are pure, naked.. No lies, just surprises.
And I can tell you know it too, I can tell...
I can feel your skin alarming my heart, my head.
Something inside tells me to go with the sunset,
something tells me to go with my soul hidden behind your moon.
All I know is that you are my timeless love.
My timeless passion... My time, throughout the years...
You are my missing link... Yet I wake up alone.
You are my battle for sanity!
You are the only one.
sábado, 27 de novembro de 2010
domingo, 19 de setembro de 2010
Inadequacy of Eras
I can feel Eddie's words, in that paragraph, deep underneath my bones, like poison.
I feel my blood in need of her..
I can feel my soul screaming, reverberating from far within the black whole of my memories of us...
Of us, of all things that were, all things that were.
I can tell this tale of much more than everything:
Of inadequacy of Eras, of just plain old bad timing..
I can feel that cold of lost chances, everyday, every night, every time I smell her voice, or taste her scent or catch that glimpse of her wondrous soft blues at her door step...
Every time I fall upon my pillow and stupidly hope for dreams...
Every time I'm alone.
I can feel Eddie's words, in that paragraph, deep underneath my bones, like poison.
I feel my blood in need of her..
I can feel my soul screaming, reverberating from far within the black whole of my memories of us...
Of us, of all things that were, all things that were.
I can tell this tale of much more than everything:
Of inadequacy of Eras, of just plain old bad timing..
I can feel that cold of lost chances, everyday, every night, every time I smell her voice, or taste her scent or catch that glimpse of her wondrous soft blues at her door step...
Every time I fall upon my pillow and stupidly hope for dreams...
Every time I'm alone.
terça-feira, 20 de julho de 2010
Wordless Poet
I wish I could stay free from that impregnating scent of ancient, true love!
Here I am, before a taste of bliss, with those pores staring at me from her neck.
That hand, moving around her perfume. That hand, conducting the orchestra in my chest.
Those eyes.. Those eyes...
Can't leave it alone, this decade of revolutions in my soul, in that everything I gave.
In that everything that I have now, all mine, all mine! All ready now, to be part, not alone, not given, not lost...
... Poet without words...
Here I am, before a taste of bliss, with those pores staring at me from her neck.
That hand, moving around her perfume. That hand, conducting the orchestra in my chest.
Those eyes.. Those eyes...
Can't leave it alone, this decade of revolutions in my soul, in that everything I gave.
In that everything that I have now, all mine, all mine! All ready now, to be part, not alone, not given, not lost...
... Poet without words...
quarta-feira, 7 de julho de 2010
Our Fathers
There is no paradise, no hell, no river or god...
There are memories, feelings, moments that define who we are.
We have our fears and uncertainties, our moments of doubt.
We have our dreams, our history.
Our Fathers.
There is peace and something divine behind our dreams!
Behind our journey in search of a future.
So I am Atheist and alone.
So I am the great lord of flying plastic in the windy, dusty sunset.
So I am, revolutions, a turning point, never so much it, never again.
I am the illusion of magic and lies. I am this thing, a thing that can fly.
sábado, 19 de junho de 2010
We are Poets!
There are never enough words floating around.
We have much yet to see, we see much yet to tell.
Our work must be of devious words: like my clouds of colorful lips.
We must look out into the sunset of those infinite notes behind our hearts.
Those songs and blood. Our very tears spilled on paper.
We have in us the purpose of creating illusions and absurd truths.
Through our puzzles, through our games...
Through the essence that evaporates around our ink.
We are powerful and unique, we carry with our craft, words responsible.
We carry our ways and stories... Coins. Words. Inventions.
We are free! No need for conventional language.
No need for rules or laws to control our "blisstning" nascence.
We are trapped within our unexplained souls...
We are trapped within our words and silent gaps.
We play with rime and structure without needing them.
We have the gift of true freedom:
We are poets.
quinta-feira, 22 de abril de 2010
Sail Away
I wanted to see our every new start float around my screen...
I thought about you these past few countless nights..
So now my tears are responsible for torrential rains.
So now I know I can't fool this blinking cursor for much longer.
My ears have given space for the many explosions in my head to steam away.
Not much remains to recognize after so many years in my cage for the heart.
At least I know I no longer need your flesh against my mind...
I just want to be free of you.
Just want to sail away now...
sexta-feira, 2 de abril de 2010
The Lover
I am so fucking sick of all that political-religious-cultural bull shit behind these tight minded conservative fuckers around the world, that I can't even sleep in peace..
No reason to swallow nazi propaganda anymore, people.. There is no fucking savior or miracle, no great entity of omniscience! There is only one thing:
The lack of thought behind any small goodness..
We all must break the barrier of morality through love, truth and respect...
Through a pure ethical embrace of the things that define us..
We must learn to love unconditionally (fow evah, evah evah, evah evah, evah)..
Only then we will start to save and fix everything else!
This is a lesson we cannot learn through repression (from rules or religion or fear of social unacceptability).. There is no rule book or set of guide lines in this utopia...
There is only space for that blinding truth watching over the pure of heart... The truly ethical but rarely moral...
The poet, thoughtful and atheist in all of us... The lover.
quarta-feira, 17 de março de 2010
A Post Card
Behind these words you'll find my sunset on the beach
Just a small taste of what is beyond my heart..
Behind these words you'll find my skin, toasted under
those memories of the love we had, of our scent,
engraved in my mind..
Behind these words is the post card of lonely poet,
sleepless and betrayed by your promises.
Behind these words, the last glimmer of passion
I still carry inside.. Deep inside..
Behind these words, I am naked, raw, I am pure ink.
Behind these words you'll find so much more than dreams.
Behind these words you'll find what you lost long ago.
sexta-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2010
La Javanaise - Madeleine Peyroux
J'avoue j'en ai bave pas vous mon amour
Avant d'avoir eu vent de vous mon amour
Ne vous deplaise
En dansant la Javanaise
Nous nous aimions
Le temps d'une chanson
A votre avis qu'avons-nous vu de l'amour
De vous a moi vous m'avez eu mon amour
Ne vous deplaise
En dansant la Javanaise
Nous nous aimions
Le temps d'une chanson
Helas avril en vain me voue a l'amour
J'avais envie de voir en vous cet amour
Ne vous deplaise
En dansant la Javanaise
Nous nous aimions
Le temps d'une chanson
La vie ne vaut d'etre vecue sans amour
Mais c'est vous qui l'avez voulu mon amour
Ne vous deplaise
En dansant la Javanaise
Nous nous aimions
Le temps d'une chanson
Burning Jazz
So I can try to behave, go on by the rules..
So I can be one more that swallows whatever.
So I can remember to love...
So I can be love, without the sweet touch of warm skin:
Of painfully planned touches that take me in,
that make me a believer, sufferer..
So I am, lost in all the time burned between us..
Now I am, in you, memory of perfume and great wine..
I am a world, lost, never again found..
I am jazz that burns paper and nothing more..
Poetry in the Dark

There is much pain in loving a cloud:
A crazy lack of gravity…
Delightful torture: this town…
So, in flight, I breathe the beauty of awakening,
the loneliness of discontinued dreams.
Here drifts man of passion and lies…
Here dwells demon of enlightenment…
In the clouds, in the souls,
In the unknown… in my infinite secrets…
My tasteful words…
This delicious ink…
My poetry in the dark…
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